
Somewhere in our genes lives the memory of a fire in the night. Somewhere in the jumble of our consciousness is the recollection, dimmed by time and circumstance, of a band of us huddled around a flame for security, warmth and community. Firekeeper »

The Raven spirit guide

Raven Spirit Guide

In the study of animal totems, or familiars, the Raven spirit guide symbolizes changes in conciousness and is the symbol of a shape shifter. Ravens are prophets, spell-casters, and messengers. The Raven spirit guide »

Characteristics of specific animal totems

No one is sure exactly how many kinds of totem animals there are on this planet because new ones are still being discovered every day. Are you ready to learn more about some of these animals and their characteristics? Characteristics of specific animal totems »

Tantra Totem: Instructions for good luck in your life

This tantra totem has been sent to you for good luck. It has been sent around the world ten times so far. You will receive good luck within four days of relaying this tantra totem. Tantra Totem: Instructions for good luck in your life »

Relationships of the directional totems

My children, in my love for you I have given you nine guides that will bless you, and walk with you on this Earth Walk which you have chosen.

Relationships of the directional totems »

Using the unconscious mind to call your totem animals

If a particular problem is troubling you, it is sometimes helpful to be able to call your totem who posesses skills in that area to assist you. You can do this by using your subconscious mind. Using the unconscious mind to call your totem animals »