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Constant Contact Email Marketing Service

Create and send eye-catching HTML email campaigns in minutes!

Collect email addresses of your site visitors with a “join my list” signup on your website. Then, easily create and send compelling email newsletters, promotions and announcements to keep them coming back for more.


Constant Contact is easy and affordable -- TRY IT FREE and see for yourself.

We tried this on one of our brand new websites and quickly grew our subscriber list to 4,000+ in just a few months starting with very little traffic.

The templates are easy to customize and you don't need to understand coding to do it. You can make your emails as plain or fancy as you want. Replicate the look and feel of your website with ease. You can add headers, sidebars with menus, align images, create headers in a variety of sizes and fonts, and much more.

When people sign up for your list, they check to make sure the email is valid, and they automatically handle any unsubscribes you may have from subscribers promply. If an email bounces three times for whatever reason, they automatically remove it, so you aren't paying to send to invalid addresses.

They provide statistics so you can tell how many emails were opened, who opened your email and which links they clicked on, if any. They keep a running tally of how many subscribers you have, and tell you how many you have gained or lost in the last week.

You can create an archive of past newsletters, which you can link  to on your website or blog to show potential subscribers what they might expect in your newsletters, or update and send an old email again at a later date.

You can write a series of emails and schedule them to send later on a schedule you specify.

If you aren't planning to send any emails for a while, you can pause your account without losing your subscriber list, and for a small fee, they will continue to sign up subscribers from the sign up form on your website.

There is a large knowledgebase online that will answer most of your questions, but if you do need human support, they are friendly and helpful and quick to respond to your inquiries. They respond to emails within a day, sometimes within minutes. If you prefer to talk to a person, you can actually get them on the phone,  and they are fluent English speakers. They also have helpful videos that explain a lot of the common tasks you will want to perform.

Click here to sign up for your Free Trial and take it for a test run.

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