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African Grey Parrot

Congo African Grey Parrot

Congo African Grey Parrot

The African Grey Parrot is one of the most popular pet birds with an amazing ability to talk. It is the best talker of all the parrots. This fabulous bird is not only handsome, but is also an inquisitive, interactive and charming companion.

Their personality and intuitive nature will amaze and delight you, and their antics will amuse you to no end. These are very intelligent social creatures, making them an excellent pet for a devoted parrot owner.

African Grey Parrots are sought out as a pet for their good looks and strong speaking ability. Yet talking is just one of the Grey Parrot's learned skills, they are also great mimics of the sounds in their environment. They can distinguish and mimic the voices of individual people, as well as things like the other birds, the phone ringing, the microwave, and more. Although they can talk and mimic, they are neither overly noisy nor tend to engage in loud shrieking calls like some of the other vocal parrots.

With all these great qualities, African Greys are very favored parrots to keep as a pet, but these parrots do take a very committed keeper. They are highly intelligent so can quickly become bored if not provided with plenty of stimulation. They need continuous human interaction along with lots of safe, but destructible toys to manipulate.

Greys like being handled, but are also perfectly content to just be around the family. They have natural wild instincts still intact so must have supervision and care taken when interacting with people. They can be likened to the intellect of a 5 year old, but the emotions of a two year old. So they need strong socialization when young, and then ongoing training to be good members of your family.

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