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Scotland Diving

Scapa Flow, Scotland is a wreck diving haven. There are 7 German wrecks, including battleships & cruisers, as well as various fishing vessel wrecks, beautiful kelp forests and cliff formations.

Scapa Flow has been used as a safe harbour since the days of the Vikings, as it is a natural harbor, providing ships shelter from the worst weather. This was the case during the World wars, as the British naval ships were brought here to be kept safe from German uboats and aerial attacks.

The main attraction at Scapa Flow is the WWI German High Seas Fleet, entombed in the still green waters since 1919 following their scuttling by Admiral Von Reuter. Three 25,797 ton battleships, three light cruisers, one fast mine layer and numerous other sites related to the sinking lie within the main body of the Flow - all offering fantastic diving. Covered in life, massive guns and breathtaking levels of preservation means these wrecks have something for everyone.

Technical divers can be catered to with deeper wrecks, and sport divers have plenty of choices of great dives on the shallower blockship wrecks.

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