Life totems and power animals – not all animal totems are equal

In your search for your totem animal, you need to be aware that most likely you have more than one at any given time, and there are different kinds of animal totems. Life totems and power animals – not all animal totems are equal »

Opening the conscious mind to animal totems

Once you have answered the questions in the previous lesson and have your tentative list of animals, the next step is to read all you can find about those animals. Opening the conscious mind to animal totems »

Finding your animal totem or spirit guides

The most common misconception about totem animals is that the person chooses the animal. In reality, it is the other way around–the animal chooses you. Finding your animal totem or spirit guides »

New Age Spirituality and the Animal Totem or Familiar

The natural power of animal totems has not been lost. Animals still have a vast store of knowledge and wisdom they can teach us. However, it is up to us as individuals to reestablish that connection. New Age Spirituality and the Animal Totem or Familiar »

Respect and honor the animals

Many of you are familiar with the concept of American Indians living in balance with nature before the invasion of Europeans and forced confinement on reservations. Respect and honor the animals »

Introduction to totem animals

Spirit animal, totem animal, spirit guardian, familiar, spirit guide, animal helper, guardian spirit, power animal, animal medicine… these phrases are all ways of saying the same thing. These are all terms for animal spirits that lend us guidance on our journey through life and help us reach higher planes of spirituality and awareness about ourselves and the world around us. Introduction to totem animals »